Avoid Timed Out Transactions with POS Check

Has your location experienced issues with getting paid for electronic check transactions? If so, it could be related to the time out settings within the POS Check application. If a clerk does not select “yes” to the signed receipt prompt at the end of a transaction before the terminal times out, the check will be processed as paper and the site will not be paid electronically for this transaction.

If you experience this issue, CHS Payment Solutions recommends adjusting the time out setting of the terminal to provide the clerk with more time to select “yes” and ensure the check is properly processed. Below are instructions to adjust the time out setting:

  1. Choose Check from the main menu
  2. Select More using the left purple button
  3. Select Setup Menu using F3
  4. Select Terminal using F2
  5. You will be prompted for a password. Enter 1
  6. You will want to change the settings for both of the following fields:
    • Input Timeout (default 45)
    • VMAC Idle Timeout (default 120)
      Note: These fields are numeric fields (3 digits max) and represent the number of seconds before timeout occurs
  7. Select the timeout field that needs to be changed, and select Edit
  8. Type in new value
    Note: It is recommended that you increase the existing value by 5-10 seconds and increase further if the issue persists
  9. Select Enter (Green arrow)
  10. Select Cancel (Red X) twice


What is VMAC Idle?
It is the amount of time before the terminal will exit to the main menu (if terminal shares programing with credit cards).

What is Idle Timeout?
It is the amount of time a prompt or response screen displays on screen before it cancels the current operation.

What is the maximum time?
The maximum field is 3 digits long so the maximum amount of time before a timeout would be 999 seconds, roughly 16 minutes or so.

If you have any questions, please contact CHS Payment Solutions at 800-852-5301.

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Published 05/8/23

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